WE GOT THE MEAT! Come enjoy the Sticky Dog Days of Summer @ Capital Ribfest & Poutine with Music, Games, Bevvies, and Fun.
AUGUST 2-5, 2024 \\ Festival Plaza @ Ottawa City Hall \\
110 Laurier Avenue in the Heart of Canada's Capital
Join our Volunteer Team!
The annual Capital Ribfest is a new "In the Round" Foodie Experience. Ribfest volunteers have the opportunity to learn about what it takes to keep 1000s of Rib-eaters happy while networking with local businesses and other community volunteers You are also in the perfect place to enjoy the continuous entertainment on the big stage and to sample those mouth-watering ribs!
Ribfest volunteers must be 14 year of age or older. For secondary school students, Ribfest volunteer hours are eligible to be counted towards your 40 hours of community service. Volunteers are needed to fill the following positions:
Ribfest greeters
Green Team
Grounds Crew
Set up and Take Down
Monitors for vendor entrances and emergency exits
Runners and Program Support
Ribfest greeters provide a warm welcome to all inbound Ribfest fans as well as answer any questions they might have. A short training session is held prior to each volunteer shift.
Cleaning and maintenance assistants help keep the entire Ribfest venue sparkling clean. Specific duties include clearing, wiping down tables and chairs, maintaining cleanliness at water stations and litter control.
Entrance and exit monitors ensure use only by authorized individuals and direct all Ribfest patrons to the main entrance and exit.
Monitors for the recycling/composting stations assist Ribfest patrons with depositing their waste and garbage in the correct bins.
Volunteer shifts are a minimum of three hours and a maximum of four hours in duration. Regular breaks are scheduled and water is provided.
If you’re enthusiastic, energetic, enjoy working with the public and want to make this year's Ribfest the best ever, please contact our Volunteer Co-ordinator!